Saturday, January 10, 2009

Bored at work!

Ok, so it's me again.. and I'm sitting at work bored out of my mind and freezing my butt off. I guess I should probably go buy some long slacks now that it's cold, huh? Yeah - That would probably be a good idea. It's about 12:30 and I'm almost half way through my day. Four and a half hours down.. five and a half to go. Then I think I need to tan... because, you know, my nickname is "whitey" :( thanks Jona!! Does anyone else ever find themselves wanting to take a hot shower during the winter, even though you just took one a few hours ago? I do, all the time lol. That's how I'm feeling right now... my toes are freezing, and I need to let them heat up (Vana suggested I get a little space heater... I think that's on my list for Wal-mart soon!). I had to steal Sarah's blanket to keep my legs warm (btw, talking about being cold is making me warm).

This blog is a great form of entertainment and I laugh when I see that Jona has posted because I know he MUST be bored if he's actually writing in here!!!

Well - Troy is gone to the races with my parents & Cassie so I won't see him 'til tomorrow night.. I miss him when he's not there when I come home from work. He threw a fit & screamed & cried when my parents went to the gas station last night to fill up all the tanks & the truck. This morning when he woke up he told grandma "don't leave me when you go to the gas station" (of course she had to text and tell me) and I laughed. He's such a silly boy. We turned on Space Chimps last night and the first thing he asked me was "what's the big one's name?" well Troy his name is Titan... we've seen this movie like 10 times already since Christmas... dork!

Hmm, I guess that's all I'm gonna say for today maybe I'll edit & write more tonight.


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