Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday Sundayyyy

Not much to say about today on my side of the world. Slept in.. and it felt good! Showered, tanned, got a smoothie and cleaned and did some laundry. Troy made it home at about 5:30 so I gave his stinky butt a bath and then he sat on the couch with me while we watched AFV. Hmm, that's about it. Tomorrow I'm going to try and start walking in the mornings.. hopefully I can stick to it (I'm sure Jo will nag at me if I don't). We're going to lunch with Kristen and the boys she nanny's for.. Austin & Jackson. It's nice to see her every once in a while & let Troy enjoy playing with other little boys. Probably going to bed semi-early tonight since I stayed up tooo late last night. I missed my hubby though and just couldn't get enough of seeing his face and being able to speak to him like he's here.

Goodnight all.

Whitney.... and Troy

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