Friday, January 9, 2009

First Post... by Whitney...

Well I just had an idea to create a blog where Jona & I could each come & write about whatever is happening in our lives separately until he comes home and then we can write together. Don't know how long this will last lol, but it's worth the try.

All things are good here in Texas. Troy started back at school this week & I'm sure he really surprised his teacher, Mrs. Hawkins, when he came back to school knowing how to write his name! My semester starts on January 20th and I'm taking five classes....ouch!! So, we'll see how I can do this semester. I'm definitely going to try hard! Hmmm what else... not that much, just holdin' it down in Texas 'til my love can come home & be with me.

Oh, p.s. - Troy has officially hit the FIT THROWING STAGE!!!! Yippee!!!!

Well, goodnight to all.

(maybe jona will write soon... ;0) )

Whitney ... and Troy too!

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